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Winter Warm Ups! How to stay motivated to exercise during the colder months.

It’s time to pull out the warm socks, tracksuit pants and jumpers when hanging around home. It is also a time of year where motivation may be lacking to remain active like you are in warmer months.

Reducing exercise and physical activity can also impact your immunity by increasing the risk of catching a cold or other infections. This may also lead to lower mood, weight gain, higher blood pressure – etc etc.

Here at hwo, we’ve come up with some tips on how to stay motivated to exercise in the cold.

Focus on internal motivators.

If you enjoy playing sport, team activities are always a great idea. If you’re not involved in a team competing in sport, look to gather a few friends or families to get moving. Enjoy the social side of being active.

Valuing the health benefits of exercise as opposed to physical appearance may help motivate you to pull on the warmer exercise gear. Reduce blood pressure, managing weight, helping mood and managing pain are just a few reasons to continue with your exercise regime.

Set achievable goals and be kind to yourself.

Don’t set an unrealistic target of a weight loss goal, or number of sessions per week. If you don’t hit these targets, it wouldn’t help you feel good about yourself.

We are all allowed lazy days, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a session or a day of exercise.

Incorporate movement in your everyday life.

Incidental exercise! Walk to the shops instead of driving or park further away to increase your walking distance.

Have alternate options such as indoor activities should the weather dampen your outdoor plans.

On the days where weather isn’t an issue, plan exercise around the sunniest part of the day for to help your Vitamin D levels.

Don’t overdo it if you are sick.

If you’re coming down with the flu or cold-like symptoms, it isn’t the best to push through with your usual fitness routine. Dr David Pyne from the Institute of Sport and Exercise at the University of Canberra came up with a pretty cool check to make sure it’s safe to exercise. The “Neck Check” – if your symptoms from the neck up are not too severe, moderate exercise is good and would be beneficial. If you’re symptoms are mostly below the neck, exercise isn’t recommended.

So, in summary, layer up! Stay safe! And enjoy sweating it up in the cold!


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