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Connection: National Pain Week 2021

Chronic pain (also known as persistent pain) is pain that persists beyond the expected healing time of an injury. Unlike acute pain which is caused by tissue damage, chronic pain or persistent pain is less about the structural or tissue damage and more about the sensitivity of the nervous system and ‘non tissue related factors’.

This week marks the start of National Pain Week. With the 2021 theme being “Connection”, it is important to maintain contact with family, colleagues and friends to avoid social isolation that is brought about by pain and injury or illness.

Significant research shows the importance of exercise in managing and treating chronic pain. Exercise is an effective way to reverse the downward cycle of deconditioning and worsening pain. Over time, exercise works to help people with chronic pain engage more in activities that they enjoy and essential activities of daily living with greater comfort.

Exercise Right have some helpful things to remember to keep active despite Chronic Pain:

It’s important to remember that “Exercise is Medicine” and a daily strategy helps manage various pain conditions:

  • Avoid pushing into stronger pain. Start slow when beginning an exercise program.

  • Stretch to cool down and do short bouts of exercise.

Types of exercise that can help:

Stretching exercises

Stretch to increase flexibility, loosen stiff muscles and improve range of motion.

Strengthening exercises

Build strong muscles to help stabilise areas of pain. Squatting, wall pushes or bicep curls.

Cardiovascular exercises

Walk, swim or cycling to help improve fitness.


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